5 Simple Ways to Maintain Your Humidifier

A humidifier can work wonders for your home if the air inside your home is dry.

iStock_000014511951_SmallLow moisture levels in your home can cause several problems ranging from respiratory problems, static shock, to skin itchiness and damage to your possessions. A whole house humidifier is a good solution to the problem of dryness in the house. However, if for some reason you cannot have a whole house humidifier in your home, a standalone humidifier may also provide a solution.

In order to run effectively and efficiently, the humidifier will need to be free of any harmful fungi, mold, or bacteria. So, to make the most of your humidifier it is important that it is cleaned and maintained properly. There are several things that a homeowner can do to keep their humidifier clean. Here are some simple tips from HVAC technicians on cleaning and maintaining the humidifier:

Change the water in your humidifier frequently

If you do not change the water in the humidifier regularly, you will notice that deposits or film develop in it. This can affect its efficiency and effectiveness adversely. So, you must empty the water tank, clean dry the internal surfaces, and change the water. This step is especially important if you own an ultrasonic or mist air cleaner.

Use only distilled water in the humidifier

It is highly advisable that you use only de-mineralized water in your humidifier, because the minerals present in tap water can create deposits and promote bacterial growth. Distilled water has very low mineral content, and can prove beneficial for the efficiency and life of your humidifier.

Clean the humidifier frequently

It cannot be emphasized enough how important it is to clean your humidifier frequently. Just unplug the humidifier and clean all surfaces properly to ensure that the deposits and films are removed. HVAC experts recommend that the humidifier should be cleaned around every three days to maintain its peak efficiency.

Keep a close watch on the surrounding area

HVAC technicians suggest that the homeowners should watch the area surrounding the humidifier carefully to ensure that there is no dampness. If you do notice moisture accumulation, you should turn it down, or use it less frequently.

Change the humidifier filters regularly

Most manufacturers recommend that the filter of the humidifier should be changed after a certain period. Check your operation manual, and ensure that you change the filters as advised by the manufacturer. It will ensure that your humidifier works efficiently.

We hope these 5 tips will help homeowners keep their humidifier clean, and working in working condition. These small steps can go a long way in making your humidifier effective and efficient, and maintaining perfect humidity levels in your home. It will help you get rid of all the nasty problems such as cracked skin, chapped lips, nose bleeds, breathing problems, and other health concerns. It will also save your wall paint, furniture, and other property from damage caused by dry air.

If you have any questions regarding your humidifier or are interested in getting a quote on a new humidifier, contact Engineered Solutions Heating and Air Conditioning at (314) 394-0802!

10 Reasons To Have a Humidifier in Your Home

St. Louis whole house humidifierWinters in Missouri are cold and dry. Your HVAC system can take care of the cold, but you likely need a humidifier to tackle the dryness in air. Many homeowners find a humidifier an unnecessary expenditure. However, it is important to understand that dry air can cause more discomfort and health problems than you can even imagine. A humidifier is a small investment that can save you of all the problems related to dryness, and make you feel more comfortable in your home.

The Benefits of Having a Humidifier

You can either go for a standalone humidifier or a whole house humidifier depending on your requirements and budget. As the name suggests, a standalone humidifier is like a window AC that cools a particular area. It humidifies the  particular area where it is installed. These humidifiers are easy to install, and cost less than the whole house humidifiers.

On the other hand, the whole house humidifiers are installed into the HVAC system of the home, and the humidity or moisture is circulated in the entire house through the duct-work. It is a much more effective way of ensuring that the moisture level in your house is just right for you and your family to feel comfortable and stay healthy. According to HVAC experts, a humidifier can offer several benefits. Here are just a few of them:

  • Dry air causes skin dryness, itchiness, and chapped lips. A humidifier can regulate moisture levels in air, and relieve many of these problems.
  • Another major health concern that you can address using a whole house humidifier is that of nosebleeds. Better humidity will help stop the occurrence of nosebleeds resulting from a dry environment.
  • Children or infants breathing in dry air are prone to sickness and they are unable to sleep comfortably. Once you have a humidifier installed in your home, these troubles induced by dryness will surely disappear.
  • Better humidity levels can help prevent allergies, because the moisture allows nose and the throat to block bacteria, dust, and other allergens to enter the respiratory system.
  • Excessive dryness causes cough, cold, and influenza. These problems can be eliminated by installing a whole house humidifier.
  • Better humidity can improve oxygen levels, and eliminate health problems such as headaches, nausea, fatigue, and general feeling of sickness.
  • If you have been experiencing static shocks inside your home, then it sure is because of dryness. Installing a humidifier will likely solve this.
  • Humidifier prevents dryness related damage to furniture, paint, and wooden floors.
  • Dryness may make you feel colder even at higher and reasonably comfortable temperatures. Humidifiers can help take some burden off your HVAC system by making you feel warmer.

St. Louis Whole House Humidifiers

If you want to get rid of chapped lips, dry skin, allergies, and discomfort in your home, contact Engineered Solutions HVAC and ask about our whole house humidifiers! A whole house humidifier will improve your air quality make your internal air much more comfortable and healthier to breathe in. The one-time investment on a humidifier will no doubt increase your family’s overall health and happiness!

Call us today at (314) 394-0802