Save Money With Energy Efficient Solutions!

Greener homes consume lesser natural resources, help conserve the environment, and often result in saving you money.

St. Louis Heating

This ideal concept may not be always simple to attain, but it is necessary for everyone to take some steps towards creating this type of home. The following tips can be used as first steps towards creating a greener home.

Energy Savings

Energy Audit – It is essential to perform an energy audit in order to attain a greener home. A professional HVAC technician can perform an energy audit by checking energy usage inside the house. They will identify areas where energy is used inefficiently.

HVAC – Another important thing to consider is HVAC usage. Heating normally accounts for most of the energy use inside the house with air conditioning coming in second. But, this energy usage can be regulated by ensuring the ductwork is sealed properly, using draft-resistant windows, and setting temperatures that are appropriate for the season. It is also advisable to use Energy Star-qualified HVAC systems rather than the older inefficient models.

Hot Water – Heating water normally accounts for twelve percent of energy use inside a house. One good way of reducing energy usage is by ensuring the dishwasher and washing machine always operate on a full load. Using a lower temperature setting can also help efficient energy use. Homeowners can also install tank-less gas water heaters, which ensure warm water is always ready for use.

Appliances – Appliances have the tendency to use up a lot of energy. It is advisable to unplug electrical appliances when they are not being used.

Light Bulbs – It is typically better to use LED and compact fluorescent light bulbs inside the house since they are cheaper and consume lesser electricity than incandescent bulbs.


Bathroom – Using showers rather than bath tubs can help reduce water usage. Water usage can be reduced further by using toggle or low-flow shower sets. The faucet should be turned off when it is not in use. Dual flush toilets are recommended for the bathroom.

Garden – The garden can use up a good amount of water. Due to this, it may be necessary to use ground cover that is both attractive and reduces water usage, like succulents, for the garden.

Whole House – Water used in sinks, showers, bathtubs and the washing machine may contain substances that are safe for use in the garden. However, water from the washer used in washing diapers or the toilet cannot be used. It is advisable to use biodegradable shampoos, soap and dishwashing materials to ensure the groundwater is not contaminated when the water is used in the garden.


Furnishing – It is advisable to acquire furniture made of non-toxic and sustainable materials. For example, a rug made of synthetic fiber may be substituted with a wool rug.

Paint – Paint with less voltaic organic compounds or VOCs are recommended for use since VOCs are airborne solvents that cause headaches and dizziness.

Building Materials – Building materials should comply with resource efficiency requirements, such as local availability, recyclability, reusability and renewability. These materials can be used in ensuring the construction of a greener home.

Want to get the most out of your HVAC system? Get in touch with Engineered Solutions today at (314) 394-0802!

Simple Energy Saving Tips

Conducting a home energy audit can show you how to save money on energy use in your home.

energy saving hvac

A home energy audit can be the first step towards a more energy efficient home. How does a home energy audit help save you money? The results of a home energy audit provide a base line upon which you can make improvements. A home energy audit involves looking around at each part of your home to identify any signs of energy loss and note down all possible problems. Once you have done that you can prioritize the tasks and decide which ones to handle on your own and which ones require a professional St. Louis HVAC company. Here are some energy saving tips and ideas to help get you started.

Locate the Air Leaks

By reducing the drafts in the home, you can enjoy energy savings to the tune of 5 to 30 percent every year. Check your doors, windows, attic, electrical hatches, and chimneys to identify problem areas.

Identify Your Insulation Needs

Older houses need more insulation, but finding out exactly how much more is a difficult question. A professional HVAC company usually has access to advanced equipment, such as a thermal leak detector, to find insulation soft spots around floor molding, electrical outlets, and recessed lighting.

Inspect the HVAC System

Your HVAC system contributes about 50 percent of your domestic energy bills. Schedule a complete tune-up of your HVAC system to check if it is working at its peak efficiency. If your system has served you for over a decade, you may consider investing in a more energy efficient system.

Analyze the Lighting In Your Home

Replace artificial lighting with natural light whenever possible. Replace ordinary lights with compact fluorescent lights. Assess your lighting design to see if any improvements are required.
It is always best to hire the services of a professional HVAC company to address the energy problems in your home. Contact Engineered Solutions at (314) 394-0802. We have the experience, expertise, and the technologies to inspect your home, identify leaks, and then plug them appropriately so that you can save on your annual energy bills.

5 Simple Ways to Maintain Your Humidifier

A humidifier can work wonders for your home if the air inside your home is dry.

iStock_000014511951_SmallLow moisture levels in your home can cause several problems ranging from respiratory problems, static shock, to skin itchiness and damage to your possessions. A whole house humidifier is a good solution to the problem of dryness in the house. However, if for some reason you cannot have a whole house humidifier in your home, a standalone humidifier may also provide a solution.

In order to run effectively and efficiently, the humidifier will need to be free of any harmful fungi, mold, or bacteria. So, to make the most of your humidifier it is important that it is cleaned and maintained properly. There are several things that a homeowner can do to keep their humidifier clean. Here are some simple tips from HVAC technicians on cleaning and maintaining the humidifier:

Change the water in your humidifier frequently

If you do not change the water in the humidifier regularly, you will notice that deposits or film develop in it. This can affect its efficiency and effectiveness adversely. So, you must empty the water tank, clean dry the internal surfaces, and change the water. This step is especially important if you own an ultrasonic or mist air cleaner.

Use only distilled water in the humidifier

It is highly advisable that you use only de-mineralized water in your humidifier, because the minerals present in tap water can create deposits and promote bacterial growth. Distilled water has very low mineral content, and can prove beneficial for the efficiency and life of your humidifier.

Clean the humidifier frequently

It cannot be emphasized enough how important it is to clean your humidifier frequently. Just unplug the humidifier and clean all surfaces properly to ensure that the deposits and films are removed. HVAC experts recommend that the humidifier should be cleaned around every three days to maintain its peak efficiency.

Keep a close watch on the surrounding area

HVAC technicians suggest that the homeowners should watch the area surrounding the humidifier carefully to ensure that there is no dampness. If you do notice moisture accumulation, you should turn it down, or use it less frequently.

Change the humidifier filters regularly

Most manufacturers recommend that the filter of the humidifier should be changed after a certain period. Check your operation manual, and ensure that you change the filters as advised by the manufacturer. It will ensure that your humidifier works efficiently.

We hope these 5 tips will help homeowners keep their humidifier clean, and working in working condition. These small steps can go a long way in making your humidifier effective and efficient, and maintaining perfect humidity levels in your home. It will help you get rid of all the nasty problems such as cracked skin, chapped lips, nose bleeds, breathing problems, and other health concerns. It will also save your wall paint, furniture, and other property from damage caused by dry air.

If you have any questions regarding your humidifier or are interested in getting a quote on a new humidifier, contact Engineered Solutions Heating and Air Conditioning at (314) 394-0802!

Routine Issues with Air Conditioning Units

Our St. Louis HVAC Company can quickly identify routine issues with air conditioning units.

routine issues air conditioner st louisNo one can predict the breakdown of an air conditioning system. This problem is a huge issue causing extreme inconvenience to people who live in regions experiencing sweltering heat during summer. There are instances when it is impractical to wait for a specialist to work on the equipment. Fortunately, many homeowners can easily pinpoint the issue affecting their equipment which can also make it easier for a specialist to work on the equipment.

Among the most frequent problems affecting the equipment are the high-pitched noise it makes, which may worsen and become extremely loud when the equipment at its optimum level. This particular issue is normally associated with the fan belt, which may have become loose after a period of time. It is important to take a look at the motor bearings to see if they need to be replaced or oiled.

Another problem affecting air conditioning units is associated with coils that have iced up. The equipment may not work properly due to the presence of ice on the coils, which will result in an obstruction preventing air and Freon from flowing. Although this issue can be minimized with the use of heat pumps with secondary heating components, there are instances when the equipment may cycle inefficiently or slowly. To deal with the issue, it may be necessary to regularly have calibration checks conducted.

Water leaks may also come from the air conditioning units, resulting in considerable water damage along with mildew and molds. The condensation pan may be corroded if the equipment is not efficient in draining condensation. This is the first thing to check before checking the drain for any obstructions preventing water from flowing properly.

It may be necessary to utilize specialized equipment if the air conditioning system is not emitting cold air properly. It is essential to pinpoint the cause of the problem since it may be an issue with the compressor or the fan. Homeowners can also check if the equipment is not functioning properly all of the time. They should check if it is not cold enough or is colder than usual. These are some things to check in order to pinpoint the issue affecting the equipment. Due to this, homeowners should closely monitor the equipment before turning it off.

Resolving Routine HVAC Issues

This information collected by homeowners will pinpoint the issue. For example, air may not be cycled properly through the thermostat to obtain a sample room temperature if it shuts down before a comfortable temperature is attained. The input valve may be blocked or the equipment may be improperly calibrated, which can be checked through close monitoring of the equipment. The components can be checked by making adjustments on the thermostat.

Although some issues may not be easy to pinpoint, the preceding measures may facilitate the identification of the problem. The equipment may become inefficient when Freon is leaking, which is true even after Freon was loaded into the unit recently. It may also be necessary to replace the thermostat if it is the source of the problem. A short circuit may have occurred if the unit is not working properly each time it is turned on. It is usually best to hire an experienced HVAC company to resolve these issues. Providing as much information as possible to your HVAC company can help them to identify and fix the problem quickly and efficiently.

Call Engineered Solutions Heating and Air Conditioning at (314) 394-0802 to speak with an HVAC expert in St. Louis, Missouri!


photo credit: HomeSpot HQ via Flickr

How Can an Air Cleaner Benefit Your Home?

If you are concerned about the internal air quality of your home, then you should consider investing in an air cleaner for your home. If your home feels stuffy and dusty all the time, and your family members have been experiencing allergies or respiratory problems, then you have all the reasons to buy an air cleaner for your home.

An air cleaner can offer numerous benefits ranging from better internal air quality to more efficient functioning of your furnace or air conditioner. Apart from offering these benefits, an air cleaner can also increase the comfort levels in your house. HVAC experts explain the key benefits of installing an air cleaner in your home:

Better Air Quality for Your Home

Contrary to what most homeowners believe, the air quality inside most houses is worse than outside. Daily activities such as cooking, cleaning, heating, and use of room fresheners can add a number of pollutants to the air. An air cleaner does an important job of removing dust particles and pollutants from your home. It brings down the level of pollutants in the internal air substantially. After you have installed an air cleaner in your home, you will realize a considerable decrease in incidence of allergies, cold and flu, and other respiratory problems in your family members. Better air quality makes you feel fresh and healthy.

Helps Your HVAC System Run More Efficiently

Better internal air quality means that the HVAC system would run more efficiently, and its parts would suffer less wear and tear. Pollutants in the internal air often clog the ducts or filters, and the HVAC system has to work harder to achieve the thermostat settings. Better internal air quality would ensure that the HVAC system works at its peak efficiency, and does not consume more energy than it normally should. You will realise that your HVAC system has become more effective and you will start to feel more comfortable inside your home after you have installed an air cleaner.

Prolongs the Life of Filters

Dust particles and other pollutants often tend to block the air filters, and depending on the level of pollution in the air, the air filters may require frequent cleaning and replacement. However, with an air cleaner, the internal air quality improves, and the air filters require less frequent cleaning, and replacement that they usually do.

Air cleaners come in various sizes and types. Only an HVAC expert can help you decide on the air cleaner that will best suit your home’s need. At Engineered Solutions Heating and Air Conditioning, we would be happy to advise and install the best air cleaner for your home.

Make sure you and your family members benefit from an air cleaner this summer! Call (314) 394-0802 or fill out the contact form on the right to speak with Engienered Solutions today!

10 Things That Should Be Checked during HVAC System Maintenance

hvac maintenance st louisThe importance of HVAC maintenance cannot be emphasized enough. HVAC experts recommend that HVAC maintenance should ideally be done at least twice a year, once in spring and fall. Periodic and scheduled HVAC system maintenance ensures that the system works at the peak of its efficiency, and does not guzzle up too much energy. It also prevents unexpected breakdowns during the peak season and helps save on repair costs. Periodic HVAC maintenance prolongs the life of your system, and keeps it serving you for years without causing any troubles.

The effectiveness of HVAC maintenance depends on the experience and expertise of the HVAC Company that undertake the job. Your HVAC company should inspect all important elements of the system during the maintenance. Here is a checklist for the key elements that need to be checked during the scheduled maintenance of your HVAC system:

Check Thermostat Settings

For the most effective heating and cooling of the home it is important to ensure that the thermostat is set at the most efficient heating or cooling temperature for the home.

Lubricate Moving Parts

Moving parts that are not lubricated well tend to wear out quickly. So, it is important that during routine maintenance, the moving parts of the HVAC systems are lubricated.

Check Electrical Connections

Loose electrical connections in the HVAC system can cause inefficiencies or system failures. So, during HVAC maintenance, the electrical connections should be inspected and tightened if required.

Clean AC Evaporator Coils

These coils help keep your home cool, and if they are dirty, it will affect the effectiveness of the system. So, during maintenance, technicians should clean these coils.

Check System Controls

During maintenance of the HVAC systems, the technicians should run a complete operating cycle to unfold any discrepancies.

Check Refrigerant Levels

During fall maintenance of the HVAC system, the technicians should check the refrigerant levels to ensure that the level is not too high or low.

Check for Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide poisoning is the worst outcome of a malfunctioning HVAC system. During maintenance, the technicians should check for any carbon monoxide in the home.

Inspect Heating Components

To ensure complete efficiency and effectiveness of the system, the heating and cooling company should inspect the oil or gas connections, heat exchanger, burner combustion chamber, and gas pressure.

Adjust and Clean Blower Parts

Problems with the blower parts can reduce the efficiency of the heating system by over 15 percent. So, it should be ensured that it is functioning properly.

Inspect Condensation Drain

A clogged drain can cause poor functioning of the HVAC system, and can lead to water damage. During maintenance, the drain should be inspected and cleaned.

Speak With an Energy Efficient HVAC Company

It is a good idea to enter into a maintenance contract with a professional HVAC company so that they can conduct regular and periodic maintenance of the systems. It will take care of your HVAC systems, and give you peace of mind that your systems are being taken care of.

To speak with a St. Louis HVAC Company with a focus on energy efficiency, contact Engineered Solutions Heating and Air Conditioning by calling us anytime at (314) 394-0802 or by contacting us online.


photo credit: ActiveSteve via Flickr

5 Benefits of Air Duct Sealing

Proper maintenance of your HVAC system is essential to keep you feeling comfortable inside your homes.

st louis energy efficient hvacWhether there is scorching heat or chilling cold outside, your HVAC system ensures that you don’t feel uncomfortable. Your HVAC system delivers cold or heated air to the various rooms in your home through the ductwork.

Over time, the ductwork can become old and worn out, and the air can start to leak. Leaky ductwork can have an adverse affect on the HVAC system performance and the energy efficiency. If you have leaky ductwork, you will end up paying a lot more in your energy bills. So, it is important that you regularly inspect your ductwork for any leaks, and if you find any, you should get them sealed promptly.

It is even more important that you inspect the ducts and get the leaks sealed if your ductwork is old and worn out. There are several benefits that you can expect from air duct sealing. Some of the important ones are:

Energy Savings

Air duct sealing can translate into considerable energy savings, and can bring down your monthly heating and cooling bills substantially. According to Energy Star, leaky ductwork might be contributing 20-40 percent of your energy bills, and by sealing them you can save money. It is a more economic way of achieving energy efficiency than upgrading to a more energy efficient air conditioner or furnace.

Better Comfort

Air duct sealing can solve the problem of uneven cooling in your home. If you feel that some rooms in your home are less hot or cold than others, or if there are any uncomfortable drafts, you should consider air duct cleaning.

Better Air Quality

Leaky air ducts can be a source of pollutants such as car exhaust, insulation fibers, mildew, and others. Air duct sealing can enhance the internal air quality.


Leaky ductwork can cause the problem of backdrafting where the combustion gases are drawn back into the home, rather than being expelled outside. Air duct sealing prevents this safety problem.

Protect the Environment

Sealing the ductwork enhances the energy efficiency, and reduces your carbon footprint. It is a step towards greener environment.

Energy Efficient HVAC – St. Louis, Missouri

Air duct sealing is an important step towards better HVAC performance and energy efficiency. Many homeowners feel temped to attempt the air duct sealing on their own using duct tape. However, HVAC experts advise against doing this. A professional HVAC company is equipped to efficiently identify air leaks and conduct proper air duct sealing.

DIY efforts may not only lead to poor results and improper sealing, but can also put you and your family in harm’s way. A better way of doing is to ensure that you get a periodic maintenance of your HVAC system, and call up a heating cooling company whenever you detect a drop in system performance or increase in power bills.


Engineered Solutions Heating & Air Conditioning (314) 394-0802


photo credit: jakerome via Flickr

Keeping Your Air Ducts Clean

Maintaining good air quality inside your homes is imperative for the health and well being of your family.

air-duct-cleaning-air-qualityPoor internal air quality can cause allergies, respiratory disorders, skin irritation, nose bleeds, and several other problems. To ensure that you breathe clean and fresh air inside your homes, you need to ensure that all potential sources of air pollutants in your home are kept clean.

Keeping Air Ducts Clean

Air ducts too can be a potential source of air contaminants, since the pollutants can come from sources both internal and external. For this reason, HVAC experts recommend that homeowners have their air ducts cleaned at regular intervals to keep the pollutants at bay. Cleaning of air ducts is even more important if homeowner find that the pollutants are entering the home through the air ducts, there is any pest or rodent infestation, mold formation, or if the ducts are clogged with debris or dust.

Dirty air ducts can also contaminate the HVAC system with particles or moisture causing mold growth and release of spores into the internal air. The US environmental protection agency recommends several steps that homeowners or facility manager can take to keep the pollutants from entering the internal air:

  • Change the air filters regularly, especially if they get clogged by dust too often.
  • It is always a good idea to buy only high efficiency air filters.
  • Ensure that no air filters are missing or damaged. Also, check that no air should escape through gaps around filter holder.
  • Keeping the facility or home dust free can go a long way in maintaining the internal air quality. Vacuum your home or facility, and clean dust from surfaces.
  • When you get your HVAC system serviced, make sure that your HVACcompany cleans the drain pans and cooling coils.
  • If you are getting any construction or remodeling done around your house that is creating a lot of dust, you should seal all the registers until the dust has completely settled.
  • If you have a whole house humidifier, make sure that you operate and maintain it in a way that is recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Do not let your air ducts get wet. To ensure this, you should repair water damage and leaks immediately.
  • To keep moisture from condensation to enter your heating and cooling system, you should seal all ducts in the areas that are not air conditioned.
  • Make sure that the cooling coils are working efficiently, or else it will lead to moisture contamination that can lead to mold growth.

If you feel that your air ducts require cleaning, and you need professional assistance to do it properly, contact Engineered Solutions Heating and Air Conditioning in St. Louis, MO. A good way to ensure that your air filters, air ducts, and all other HVAC components are work efficiently without letting in pollutants is to have periodic, professional maintenance done of your HVAC system.

Call us today at (314) 394-0802


photo credit: Simon Blackley via Flickr

10 Reasons To Have a Humidifier in Your Home

St. Louis whole house humidifierWinters in Missouri are cold and dry. Your HVAC system can take care of the cold, but you likely need a humidifier to tackle the dryness in air. Many homeowners find a humidifier an unnecessary expenditure. However, it is important to understand that dry air can cause more discomfort and health problems than you can even imagine. A humidifier is a small investment that can save you of all the problems related to dryness, and make you feel more comfortable in your home.

The Benefits of Having a Humidifier

You can either go for a standalone humidifier or a whole house humidifier depending on your requirements and budget. As the name suggests, a standalone humidifier is like a window AC that cools a particular area. It humidifies the  particular area where it is installed. These humidifiers are easy to install, and cost less than the whole house humidifiers.

On the other hand, the whole house humidifiers are installed into the HVAC system of the home, and the humidity or moisture is circulated in the entire house through the duct-work. It is a much more effective way of ensuring that the moisture level in your house is just right for you and your family to feel comfortable and stay healthy. According to HVAC experts, a humidifier can offer several benefits. Here are just a few of them:

  • Dry air causes skin dryness, itchiness, and chapped lips. A humidifier can regulate moisture levels in air, and relieve many of these problems.
  • Another major health concern that you can address using a whole house humidifier is that of nosebleeds. Better humidity will help stop the occurrence of nosebleeds resulting from a dry environment.
  • Children or infants breathing in dry air are prone to sickness and they are unable to sleep comfortably. Once you have a humidifier installed in your home, these troubles induced by dryness will surely disappear.
  • Better humidity levels can help prevent allergies, because the moisture allows nose and the throat to block bacteria, dust, and other allergens to enter the respiratory system.
  • Excessive dryness causes cough, cold, and influenza. These problems can be eliminated by installing a whole house humidifier.
  • Better humidity can improve oxygen levels, and eliminate health problems such as headaches, nausea, fatigue, and general feeling of sickness.
  • If you have been experiencing static shocks inside your home, then it sure is because of dryness. Installing a humidifier will likely solve this.
  • Humidifier prevents dryness related damage to furniture, paint, and wooden floors.
  • Dryness may make you feel colder even at higher and reasonably comfortable temperatures. Humidifiers can help take some burden off your HVAC system by making you feel warmer.

St. Louis Whole House Humidifiers

If you want to get rid of chapped lips, dry skin, allergies, and discomfort in your home, contact Engineered Solutions HVAC and ask about our whole house humidifiers! A whole house humidifier will improve your air quality make your internal air much more comfortable and healthier to breathe in. The one-time investment on a humidifier will no doubt increase your family’s overall health and happiness!

Call us today at (314) 394-0802